
Saving for retirement is critical so that you and your family can continue to thrive in your golden years after a lifetime of hard work in the trades. Unlike so many workers in our country, IBEW Local 349 has a variety of employer and self-paid retirement plans. There are four: 

(click on each to open)

The Inside Wireman retirement plan is made up of three parts:

  • Pension Part A (employer-paid defined distribution)
  • Part B (employer-paid defined contribution)
  • 401K (self-contribution)


For information, go to

For questions, first read this Q&A, then contact the Local 332 benefits administrator:

United Administrative Services (UAS) | Monday through Friday | 7:30am – 4:00pm

Attn: Rachelle Manalo, 408-288-4559|


Q: What are the various retirement plans available to me?

  • Part A: Employer-paid, defined distribution. This means you will receive a certain amount of money each month for your entire retirement, depending on how long you have worked. To qualify, you need to work 1000 hours in a year to get 1 credit, and you vest when you have 5 credits. Employers put in $12.90 per hour, and you receive an annual statement of what you put in.
  • Part B: Employer-paid, defined contribution. This means that employers put in $9 per hour over the course of your career, and the money earns compounded interest. You withdraw only what is there in your retirement. You can borrow from Part B in your working years, and you decide what funds your money is invested in.
  • 401K: This is the self-contribution portion of your Part B plan. You can add $2, $4, $6, $8, or $10 per hour, and it goes into your Plan B. The more you have, the more secure your retirement!

Q: How do I apply for Pension Benefits?

A: Contact UAS at 408-288-4559. They have all the necessary forms and will answer any questions you may have regarding your pension.

Q: What does vesting mean?

A: To be vested means you cannot lose your accumulated years of service and benefit credits even though you are no longer in the trade. Once you vest, the pension benefits earned are non-forfeitable. You need to work 1000 hours in a year to get 1 credit, and you vest when you have 5 credits.

Q: When am I eligible for an early retirement benefit?

A: You are eligible for an early retirement benefit when you have met the following requirements:

  • You are age 55 or older;
  • You have at least ten (10) years of credited service of which at least two (2) years is future service credit; and
  • You have ceased working in the electrical industry

Q: Can I Access my Part B account online?

A: Access the entire Part B account online @ Get your pin # and password from Kaufman & Goble at (800) 767-1170 or (408) 298-1170.

Q: How is my Part A invested?

A: Except as otherwise directed by individual participants, all plan assets are invested by professional investment managers selected by the Board of Trustees. Investments include a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, real estate, government issues, commercial paper, and other high-quality vehicles.

Q: May I draw my Part B funds prior to retirement?

A: Yes, under certain circumstances you may withdraw your accumulated funds in Part B. Contact Rachelle Manalo, 408-288-4459 | for more info.

The retirement plan for Residential Wiremen, S&C, and Material Handlers is comprised of pension part B (employer-paid defined contribution)

For information, go to

For questions, read this FAQ and then contact the 9th District Pension Office at 800-804-2385.

Q: What are my pension benefits?

A: S&C workers, residential wiremen, and material handlers all have a Part B defined contribution plan in which employers pay into your pension which is invested and earns interest over time. You can withdraw it when you retire.  

  • S&C: Employers put in $9 per hour.
  • Residential: Employers put in $4.27 per hour.
  • Material Handlers: Employers put in $3.80.

Q: When do I vest?

A: The money contributed by employers is your money from day one, dollar one. The plan provides for immediate 100% vesting of all contributions to your account.

Q: How much is in my account?

A: Statements are sent quarterly. Please Call (800) 804-2385 if you need more information.

Q: When can I retire under the plan?

A: The Plan provides for Early Retirement on the first day of the month following the participant’s 55th birthday. Normal Retirement under the Plan is age 65.


Q: How is my money being invested?

A: It is with the Principal Group You can change your investment strategy to be aggressive, moderate, or conservative. A user ID and PIN are required which you can get at (800) 804-2385.


Q: I have been laid off; can I withdraw the money in my account?

A: No, this is a pension plan; and the funds may only be withdrawn if you are going to retire. The funds can be withdrawn or rolled over into another qualified pension plan or an IRA. Contact the 9th District Pension Office at 800-804-2385; they will advise you on how to proceed.

For information about the IBEW I/O Pension, call 202-728-6206 after reading the below:


Q: Who is eligible to apply for an International (I/O) Normal Retirement Pension?

A: IBEW members are eligible to apply for a normal retirement pension if they have 5 or more years of continuous good standing at the time of their application for pension, and have reached age 65.



Q: What is the amount of this normal retirement pension?

A: The benefit is $4.50 per month for each full year of continuous good standing as a member.


Q: What if a member reaches age 65, but has less than 5 years of continuous good service? Can he/she receive a partial pension?

A: A member, upon reaching age sixty-five, who has fewer than five years in continuous good standing is not eligible. However, you may maintain your membership and upon completing the required 5 years standing, apply for retirement.


Q: Do all years of membership count?

A: No. Only those years of a member in continuous good standing at the time of application.


Q: Is there an Early Retirement Option?

A: Members at age 62 with 20 or more years of continuous good standing are eligible to apply for an early retirement pension upon their full and complete retirement from the industry.


Q: What is meant by “vesting”?

A: “Vesting” is the act of freezing the right to a pension of a member after 20 years of continuous good standing as a member and protecting that pension until the member reaches age 65. Upon reaching age 65, the vested pension benefit becomes payable monthly to the retired member.

The National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF) was established as the result of an agreement reached between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the National Electrical Contractors Association on September 3, 1946.

The NEBF provides eligible individuals with a pension or disability benefit which is separate from Social Security or any other pension benefit to which they may be entitled.

For more information, | 301-556-4300 (press 0 for a rep.)